Tag Archives: planting asparagus

Is this to be our summer?

Sunday was lovely here in the North East. The sun shone and the rain stayed away. So I was able to press on preparing the beds for cabbage, courgette, squash and bean plants. But it’s a race against the weather on most days. Not only has it been unremittingly wet, it has been cold overnight. So I’m holding off planting out because the seedlings will just sit and sulk until it does warm up. And while they are sitting, the snails and slugs will make hay (nobody else is). Still, the weather is bringing out some of the flowering perennials beautifully. The irises have been very good this year and the escallonia is better than it ever has been.



I’m slightly worried about the asparagus plants that I’ve planted.  They were dispatched late and some had started to sprout.  So, although I’ve planted them as recommended and the rain has sorted the watering, they aren’t making much progress and some look as though they are going back.

Aside from the brief interludes, it is a bit frustrating waiting for the warm dry weather to return.  I’m running out of indoor jobs: the tomatoes, cucumbers, chillis and aubergines are potted; the cuttings have been transplanted and my flowering plants are in their summer locations.  Come on sunshine, time to come back.